Change is on the Horizon!

Voyage Members:

It is bittersweet to be posting this notice today as I announce that this will be my last year serving as CEO at Voyage, as I will be retiring at the end of 2019.  While I will miss all of you and our staff and the many industry friends, I am so excited to watch Voyage continue to thrive and grow under new leadership in the coming years.  It gives me great pleasure to also let you know that our very own COO, Jeff Schmidt, has been appointed as CEO-elect by your Board of Directors, and will assume the role of CEO effective January 1, 2020.

Jeff’s years of service to the credit union, industry knowledge and strong leadership skills made him the obvious choice for CEO.

Over the last 21 years I have enjoyed helping Voyage adapt to industry changes and serving as an advocate for the credit union movement. We have worked hard as a team to build a strong culture, have invested in technology and created a team committed to service excellence for our members. There has been strong growth within the credit union and we are poised to continue that growth into 2020 and beyond.

The Voyage FCU team is committed to helping our members, both consumer and business, achieve your financial goals by providing the tools needed to manage your finances from wherever life takes you in this always-on digital world. Whether sitting on a beach or standing in one of our branches, Voyage is here to help you along every financial journey!

I look forward to working closely with Jeff over the next year as we make a smooth transition.

Darla Erb, CEO


From the Board:

As the current Voyage FCU Board Chair, I would just like to take a moment and thank Darla for her years of service. Darla has contributed 38 years to the credit union industry and has brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to her tenure at Voyage FCU that will not be forgotten. Her work as CEO and her focus on helping our members thrive financially has been truly outstanding. She has been a mentor to many and her influence has made an impact on each one of us and I want to sincerely thank Darla for all she has done for the development and progress of Voyage FCU.

I have enjoyed working with Jeff in his role as COO and look forward to continuing to work closely with him during his transition to CEO and as we continue serving our expanding market and providing value to you, our members. We are truly excited for the future of Voyage!

Gerry Heuer

Voyage Federal Credit Union

Voyage Federal Credit Union is here to empower their members – by thoroughly informing and educating them – as well as prepare and guide them for the journey ahead. Voyage is in the business of service and servant leadership. We do this by wholeheartedly working to meet the needs of our members with their financial position however we can. 


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